Participatory Methods
Participatory methods are at the core of my approach, fostering an inclusive environment where every voice is valued. These methods actively engage participants in the cultural change process, ensuring that solutions are grounded in the lived experiences and insights of those directly involved. By involving participants in every step, from assessment to action planning, I cultivate a sense of ownership and commitment that drives meaningful and lasting change.
Pictured above: A group of women participating in a Group-Level Assessment
Pictured to the left: A group of women engaging in a Future Creating Workshop |
Relevant Publications
- Guy, B. “Participatory Opportunity for Women Emerging Researchers (POWER): Understanding Co-Researchers' Experiences with Participatory Action Research,” International Journal of Gender, Science, and Technology. (2024).
- Guy, B. & Feldman, T. (2024) “Prison Bars & Bird Cages: Conducting an Arts-Based Participatory Action Research Project with Undergraduate Women in STEM,” i.e.: inquiry in education.
- Arthur, B., Guy, B. & Rogers, N. (2023) "Conducting Participatory Research Methods Online: A How-To Guide,” i.e.: inquiry in education.
- Gaskins, W., Arthur, B., & Guy, B. (2023) “Reflections on Implementing Participatory Action Research in Engineering,” Journal of Education & Development.
- Guy, B. & Feldman, T. (2023) “’Please Stop Bringing up Family Life, We’re Here to Talk about Science’: Engaging Undergraduate Women and Women of Color in STEM through a Participatory Action Research Project.” i.e.: inquiry in education.
- Guy, B., Arthur, B., Gaskins, W., & Cooper, C. (2023) ““Oscillating Between Hope and Despair”: A Narrative Case Study of and Culture and Coping for Women in Engineering Across Student, Industry, and Faculty Levels,” International Journal of Contemporary Education.
- Arthur, B. & Guy, B., et al. (2022) “’Difficult but worth it’: Using Participatory Action Research to explore the experiences of women in engineering on co-op,” Experiential Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.
- Rogers, N. & Guy, B. (2022) “Photovoice in an Online Psychology of Gender Course: Facilitating Difficult Discussions and Increasing Student Engagement,” Feminist Pedagogy.
- Guy, B. (2021). “To "talk softly or to not talk at all,” that is the question: Using Participatory Tools to Engage Women in a Biomedical Informatics Department.” International Journal of Gender, Science, and Technology.
- Arthur, B. & Guy, B. (2021). “’I Am Not Alone’: Impact of Participating in a GLA for Women Engineering Students,” i.e.: inquiry in education.
- Guy, B. & Arthur, B (2021). “Impact of COVID-19 on a Participatory Action Project: Group Level Assessments with Undergraduate Women in Engineering,” Journal of Higher Education Outreach & Engagement.
- Guy, B. & Feldman, T. (2021) “Deboning the Fish: Hosting a Future Creating Workshop with Undergraduate Women in STEM.” Innovative Higher Education.
- Guy, B (2020). “Participatory Approach to Program Evaluation: Learning from Students and Faculty to Improve Training in Biomedical Informatics,” i.e.: inquiry in education.
- Arthur, B. & Guy, B (2020). “’No, I’m not the Secretary’: Using Participatory Methods to Explore Women Engineering Students Experiences on Co-op,” International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning.
- Arthur, B. & Guy, B (2020). “What You Can Learn from 2,000 Sticky Notes: Using Participatory Action Research to Study Women in Engineering” Experience Magazine: Practice and Theory.
- Guy, B., Feldman, T., Cain, C., Leesman, L., Hood, C (2019). “Defining and Navigating ‘Action’ in a Participatory Action Research Project,” Educational Action Research.
- Guy, B. & Boards, A (2019). “A Seat at the Table: Exploring the Experiences of Underrepresented Minority Women in STEM Graduate Programs,” Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community.
- Guy, B (2017). “Movers, Shakers, and Everyone in Between: Faculty Personas Surrounding Active Learning in the Undergraduate STEM Classroom,” i.e.: inquiry in education.